A great outfit is one that makes your family feel confident and comfortable in front of the camera. Here are few tips to help make that happen:

Stick to color PaletTE

Choose a few complementary colors for your family's outfits. This can help you narrow your clothing search since you know what colors you're looking for. Not sure which tones are right for you? I've got a bunch of examples on my Pinterest boards organized by season.

Once you've found your colors you can begin adding in textures like denim and corduroy and even a pattern or two. Although I generally prefer solid colors and they bring the focus more to your faces instead of your clothes.

Consider your home decor

You'll want to hang these photos on your wall, right? So choosing colors that match your home's decorations is an easy way to make sure it all fits together. Plus, it can help you determine an overall vibe like earth tones (my personal fav), moodier darks, or lighter colors.

Color Palette: olive, cream, brown, and blue; Textures: jean and knit; Pattern: plaid

Dress up a bit

Take your every day outfits up a notch. For moms, I think dresses and skirts are great. They're light, comfy, and you can twirl them around in photos. For dads, I recommend tan pants a button down or a lighter wash denim and plain t-shirt. For kids, there really isn't an outfit that won't make your little one seem utterly adorable, but plain onesies with shorts for your little boy are great or dresses with short underneath are nice for a little girl.

Choose your outfit first

With so many people to dress, it's easy to get overwhelmed, but the more you break it down the easier it gets. So dress yourself first and then you can work your way out to your partner, the kids, and even the dog if they're coming along.


Not only do they look cute but layers are super practical. They make it easy to adjust if you get too warm or cold. Plus they can add variety to your photos or in this case matching sister outfits.

3 siblings posing for a photo

Each kid is layered up with a jacket, cardigan, or sweater


Sometimes to get the whole picture you need to see your outfits in action. Lay them down on the bed and see how they look as a group. Is one outfit standing out? Does something seem off about Miranda's sweater? This can help you figure out which clothes make the final cut.